Optimal clinical handling of reagents for hematology and biochemistry

The optimal clinical handling of reagents for use in hematology and biochemistry is an important part of the success of clinical analysis. Reagents are liquid materials, concentrated solutions, electrolyte solutions, or a mixture of both, usually developed to detect, measure, and evaluate chemical substances and biological parameters in patients. Correct use of these reagents can help improve the accuracy and accuracy of clinical outcomes, contributing significantly to informed decision making, appropriate treatment, and prognosis of patients.

In addition to laboratories, optimal clinical reagent management also depends on clinical practice, storage methods, and post-test procedures. The success of the clinical analysis is also affected by the selection, quality check, adherence to procedures and correct use of reagents. In addition to all the costs that are saved with the proper use of reagents, less waste is produced, which has less impact on the environment and the costs associated with waste treatment.

What are the measures that laboratories should follow to ensure the proper handling of reagents for hematology and biochemistry?

To ensure that reagents for use in hematology and biochemistry are optimally handled, laboratories and clinical staff should follow certain measures. The first of the measures on the list is the appropriate selection of reagents. In that sense, only validated reagents should be used to ensure accurate results. Proper selection of reagents also reduces the number of steps and the duration of the analysis.

On the other hand, there is the verification of the quality of the reagents. The quality of reagents should always be verified before use. This includes checking the instructions for use, expiry date and safety information. You also need to consider correct storage, as it is important to store reagents properly to maintain stability and accuracy of results. Any reagent not stored according to the instructions should be discarded.

The batches should also be monitored. It is important to track batches for changes in results. The expiry date should also be checked to avoid the use of expired reagents. Another measure to implement is to add appropriate reagents. An appropriate reagent should be added to each test to obtain a valid result. Incorrect application of reagents may affect the quality of the results.

The relevance of the presentation of results from clinical analyzes

Training support is always necessary and important: clinical staff should be trained in the proper use of reagents. This includes checking and using the reagents correctly, reading the labels correctly and knowing the quality control system. The training of personnel is key, since the reagents used and the handling of the samples, requires a lot of knowledge and skill.

Closely related to the above is the discussion of the results. It is important to discuss and validate outcomes with physicians to make informed decisions and ensure that patients receive appropriate treatment. This critical analysis also serves to detect whether the equipment and reagents used behave as expected for the physicochemical and biological properties they are measuring.

In order to obtain reliable results in hematology and biochemistry, the optimal clinical handling of reagents is essential. This should start with an appropriate selection of reagents and continue with the correct storage, quality verification, batch tracking, correct addition and proper training. These measures will help to ensure that the test results are accurate and that patients receive appropriate treatment.

Optimal management of hematology and biochemistry with Kalstein’s reagents

Kalstein does for all products on sale. Hematology reagents that enable cell counting, dilution, and equipment cleaning, and specific biochemical test reagents are widely available in clinical laboratories. Bioanalysis laboratories and clinics that want to purchase our products can request prices and additional technical information on the websites HERE